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Live install takes over gallery

by Unknown  |  at  4:57 AM
The art work takes the city rapid-and at times chotic  growth as its starting point. It will comprise equal parts printmaking and sculpture with gallery divided in two.
Vollak graduated from the university of fine arts in 2006 with a degree in sculpture.

Exhibit shows that anyone beautiful

by Unknown  |  at  5:20 AM
The most people between the ages of 18 and 35 suffer bullying like verbal abuse at home point and lose confidence in them-self.
The black and white images of exhibition is accompanies by a short motivational video.
This campaign is our first time to run a photo exhibition to give voice to the voiceless random people who are like about their outward.

Consensus reached on fuel pricing

by Unknown  |  at  5:09 PM
The proposed formula is calculate on the average means of platts singapore (MOPS) benchmark, adding in taxes, VAT and local operating costs.
According o the prakas , the price of petroleum will be re-calculated every 10 days, and the government will meet petrol companies every six months to reconsider.


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